Python is a high level, general purpose programming language, designed to emphasise code readability with the use of significant indentation. With its language construct and object oriented approach, it aims to help programmes write clear, logical code for small or large scale projects.
Upon completing this module, students will:
Gosh william I'm telling crikey burke I don't want no agro A bit of how's your father bugger all mate off his nut that, what a plonker cuppa owt to do
The module on Javascript Programming and Data Structures intends to introduce learners to:
Note:The module requires LEARNERS to know the basics of a programming language
The module on Algorithms intends to teach learners to:
Note: The module requires leaners to be know the basics of a Javascript and Data Structures.
By the end of this module, learners will be able to:
Day | Module | No of Hours | Title | Details |
1 | JS Introduction | 4 | Overview and Introduction | Overview Why Javascriptvar, let, const |
2 | 4 | JS Basics | Operators Conditionals Statements | |
3 | 4 | Strings, Numbers, and Dates | LoopsStrings String Methods String Templates Numbers and Number methods Date and Date Methods | |
4 | 4 | Functions and more | Functions Function expressions Scope – Block scope, Function Scope, global scope | |
5 & 6 | Arrays, Objects, JSON | 8 | Arrays | Arrays, types, manipulation, const, sort, iteration Splice, slice, push, pop, shift ,unshift Array of ( ), Array from ( ), Array find ( ), Array find Index ( ) |
7 | 4 | Objects | Objects, Number, Boolean, Strings, Arrays, Date, Math, RegExp | |
8 | 4 | JSON | JSON intro JSON parse, Stringify JS Arrays and JSON comparison Array and JSON manipulation | |
9 | Modern JS | 4 | Modern JS Part 1 | ECMAScript Variables and Block Scopes Arrow functions and this keyword Object literals |
10 & 11 | 8 | Modern JS Part 2 | Array De-structuring Object De-structuring Template Strings Spread operator Object literal syntax extensions for…of Template literals | |
12 & 13 | Classes | 8 | Classes | Class Getters and Setters Class Expression Static methods Static Properties Computed property Inheritance new target |
14 & 15 | Collections | 8 | Sets and Maps | Sets and Maps |
16 | 4 | Iterators and Generators | Iterators Generators | |
17, 18, & 19 | Data Structures - Part 1 | 12 | Linked Lists | The Linked list Double Linked List operations – creation, insertion, deletion and searching Differences between Linked List and Doubly Linked List. |
20 | 4 | Stack | Operations – creation, insertion, deletion and searching. Applications of Stack- Infix to Prefix, Evaluation of Postfix. | |
21 | 4 | Queue | Operations – creation, insertion, deletion and searching. Different types of Queues – Circular Queue, Priority Queue, Double Ended Queue. | |
22,23 & 24 | Data Structures Part 2 | 12 | Tree | Introduction to Trees Types of Trees -Binary Trees, Complete Binary Tree, Full Binary Tree examples, Binary Search Tree- Operations Creation, Insertion |
25 & 26 | 8 | Tree Traversals | Tree Traversal Techniques – In-order Pre-order Post-order | |
27 | Conclusion | 4 | Recap | Recap of course, interview questions and preparation |
28 | 4 | Interview Prep | Interview questions and preparation |
Day | Module | Duration | Topic | Content |
29 | Introduction | 4 | Comparing Algorithms | Introduction: Algorithm, Performance Analysis-Space complexity, Time complexity |
Asymptotic Analysis | Different types of complexity measures like Big O and their uses. Introduction Important criteria: time and space Comparing execution time Experimental Evaluation, Analytical Evaluation, Best-case Analysis, Worst-case Analysis, & Average-case Analysis The verdict Analysing a simple program | |||
30 | Algorithmic Paradigms | 4 | Brute force method | Brief introduction to the brute force paradigm using linear search in an unsorted list. Brute force method: linear search, advantages, disadvantages |
31 | 4 | Greedy Algorithms | Introduces the greedy problem-solving technique. Greedy method: Find the largest path Advantages Disadvantages General method, Applications-Job Sequencing with deadlines, Knapsack problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single source shortest path problem. | |
32 | 4 | Divide and Conquer | Quick introduction to the divide and conquer paradigm Divide and conquer method Atomic problem 1. Divide 2. Conquer 3. Merge Advantages Disadvantages General method, applications-Binary search, Strassen’s matrix multiplication. | |
33 | 4 | Dynamic Programming | Introduction to the dynamic programming paradigm. What is dynamic programming? Characteristics Dynamic programming patterns: Memorization (top-down) Tabulation (bottom-up) Advantages, Disadvantages, General method, applications- Optimal binary search trees, 0/1 knapsack problem, All pairs shortest path problem, Traveling salesperson problem, Reliability design | |
34 | Sorting & Searching | 4 | Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, and Insertion Sort | Selection Sort, Bubble Sort, and Insertion Sort Introduction to sorting algorithms such as selection sort, bubble sort, and insertion sort. What is sorting? Formal definition Sorting algorithms Selection sort algorithm Time complexity Bubble sort algorithm Time complexity Insertion sort Time complexity Space complexity |
35 | 4 | Merge Sort | Key sorting algorithms that are used in real-life projects—the first of which is merge sort. Merge sort approach Merge: animation Merge sort: animation Time complexity | |
36 | 4 | Quick Sort | Quick sort approach How to pick the pivot? Choose randomly Median of three strategy Analysis of quick sort Quick sort vs. merge sort | |
37 | 4 | Searching Algorithms | Brute force: linear search How linear search works? Implementation Performance of linear search Binary search How binary search works? Implementation Performance of binary search | |
38 & 39 | Graph Algorithms | 8 | Introduction to Graph Algorithms and Implementation | About graphs and how we represent them. What is a graph? Representing graphs Adjacency list Adjacency matrix Types of graphs Directed graph Undirected graph Mathematical notation Properties Path Cycle Connectedness The graph class |
40 | 4 | Breadth-First Graph Traversal | Learn how to write code for the breadth-first traversal of a graph. Implement breadth-first graph traversal Avoid visiting the same nodes again Time complexity | |
41 | 4 | Depth-First Graph Traversal | Learn how to write code for the depth-first traversal of a graph. Implement depth first graph traversal Time complexity | |
42 & 43 | Other Approach | 8 | Topological sort, and minimum spanning trees | Topological sort, and minimum spanning trees |
44 | 4 | Backtracking | Introduction to the Backtracking. What is Backtracking? Characteristics Problems on Backtracking Advantages Disadvantages n-queen’s problem, sum of subsets problem, graph colouring | |
45 | 4 | Two pointer approach | Learn how to write code for the sliding window/ two pointer approach Implement two pointer approach in code Time complexity |
Gosh william I'm telling crikey burke I don't want no agro A bit of how's your father bugger all mate off his nut that, what a plonker cuppa owt to do
So I said lurgy dropped a clanger Jeffrey bugger cuppa gosh David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.
David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.
The Full stack module is a collection of robust and powerful technologies used to develop web applications, comprising front-end and back end components. In this module, the following will be covered:
By the end of the module, learners will be able to:
Gosh william I'm telling crikey burke I don't want no agro A bit of how's your father bugger all mate off his nut that, what a plonker cuppa owt to do
So I said lurgy dropped a clanger Jeffrey bugger cuppa gosh David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.
David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.
Eleanor Fant
July 14, 2022So I said lurgy dropped a clanger Jeffrey bugger cuppa gosh David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.
Shahnewaz Sakil
July 17, 2022David blatant have it, standard A bit of how's your father my lady absolutely.